EY: Corporate life – looking into what it is like working at one of the big four accounting firms

Corporate life – looking into what it is like working at one of the big four accounting firms – EY

I. Diversity, inclusiveness, and career

“When organisations build a culture that values all dimensions of diversity, it creates an environment where everyone thrives and experiences a true sense of belonging” – Karyn Twaronite (EY Global Vice Chair).

EY’s working culture is defined as “inclusive” and “diverse”. At EY, directors and executive officers believe that diverse viewpoints are the catalysts that lead to better questions and better answers. This viewpoint has showcased the positive working culture of EY that made them win the award for Australian LGBTQ inclusion awards in 2021 or even the statistical number of 48% women in the workplace. Julia, a Manager in Assurance at EY in Melbourne shared the time when she was working as an associate at EY in 2016 that motivated and supported her to be with EY until now. “There has never been a moment at work where I didn’t receive the help I needed.” Coupled with the opportunities to work alongside people across borders and cultures, employees at EY are also being prepared both technically and mentally to embrace and learn from different viewpoints.

II. Corporate responsibility

“At EY we believe we have a duty to act responsibly and in the long-term interests of all stakeholders”

Faced with the urgent nature of climate change, EY Corporate Responsibility Governance Council believes that EY can have a positive impact on this challenge. Throughout the EY Ripple Programs, EY staff and directors are assigned with SDG-focused projects, bringing in the knowledge and skills to help foster the vision of “positively impact one billion lives in 2030”. Furthermore, across EY organisation, people are sharing the commitment towards promoting human rights, and innovating towards a net zero future.

III. Vacationer program

EY vacationer programs are an internship that aims to provide students with real-world working experiences where students are working as a full-time employee at EY for an usual 8 to 12 weeks. Students in their penultimate year can apply to be in the vacationer program.

This article will focus on the vacationer program at EY Melbourne. In Melbourne there are two sectors for students to choose which are people advisory services or tax. In terms of people advisory services, there are five smaller divisions which include assignment services, employment tax, global mobility tax, immigration, and reward. In terms of tax, there are even more divisions for students to consider which are global compliance and reporting, government incentives, indirect tax, private tax, and transfer pricing.

More information towards the EY Melbourne vacationer program can be assessed here. https://www.ey.com/en_au/careers/students-apply-here